Connect online for up close and individualized access to compassionate, creative coaches from all walks of life and industry. Discover new ideas to solve problems, stay inspired, take control of your life, reinvent yourself, start a new career, launch a new business, fine-tune your executive style. Find a coach. Become a coach. Learn and grow. All in one spot.


Personal Life Coaching
Personal Life Coach who can work with you in any area of your life – your personal dreams, career, finances, health and well-being, relationships, family life, spiritual life

Career Coaching
Whether you seek a new job in another company, want to calculate the best moves up the organizational ladder, or completely change careers, career coaches are there to help.

Small Business Coaching
Small Business Coaches bring objectivity, specific expertise, and techniques that effectively guide entrepreneurs from concept to business reality and beyond

Executive Coaching
Working with an executive coach, you will have committed, dedicated “thinking time and space” to test your ideas that solve problems, generate ideas, and focus on your personal effectiveness, impact, and influence

Personal Coaching
Find coaches for your personal life

Personal Life Coaching
Personal life coaches can work with you in any area of your life – your personal dreams, career, finances, health and well-being, relationships, family life, or spiritual life

Career Coaching
Whether you seek a new job in another company, want to calculate the best moves up the organizational ladder, or completely change careers, career coaches are there to help.

Small Business Coaching
Small business coaches bring objectivity, specific expertise, and techniques that effectively guide entrepreneurs from concept to business reality and beyond

Executive Coaching
Working with an executive coach, you will have committed, dedicated “thinking time and space” to test your ideas that solve problems, generate ideas, and focus on your personal effectiveness, impact, and influence

This assessment provides a highly detailed analysis of each individual’s natural and adapted behavioral styles and emotions.

critical thinking (HVP)
This assessment is a unique assessment measuring each individual’s problem-solving skills and their ability to avoid the blind spots associated with situational bias

Emotional Intelligence (EIQ 2)
This assessment is designed to highlight and examine one’s self-perception of their current EIQ and the effect it has on interactions with others

This assessment provides a highly detailed analysis of each individual’s natural and adapted behavioral styles and emotions.

critical thinking (HVP)
This assessment is a unique assessment measuring each individual’s problem-solving skills and their ability to avoid the blind spots associated with situational bias

Emotional Intelligence (EIQ 2)
This assessment is designed to highlight and examine one’s self-perception of their current EIQ and the effect it has on interactions with others

Growth Hill
Global streaming video network that offers inspirational, yet solution-filled episodes hosted by our community of KadouScope Coaches

Personal Destiny Network
Find weekly episodes on our personal coaching channels.

Business Destiny Network
Find weekly episodes on our business coaching channels

Growth Hill
Global streaming video network that offers inspirational, yet solution-filled episodes hosted by our community of KadouScope Coaches

Personal Destiny Network
Find weekly episodes on our personal coaching channels.

Business Destiny Network
Find weekly episodes on our business coaching channels