Grow Forward: A Catalyst for Your Small Business
Running a small business is an ever-changing, dynamic, and challenging proposition. The complexities of day-to-day operations. The nuances of working with customers. The realities of dealing with all the personalities on your team. Keeping your supply chain rolling. Meeting your financial objectives.
These business realities are tough enough on their own. Face challenges in every arena, and it can get out of control quickly. It may be time to step back and re-evaluate where you are, how you got there, and where you want to go in the future. Then, most important of all, put together an action plan and execute it with precision.
The expert K-coach will guide you through an analysis of your business plan and determine where you need to adjust. It’s an ever-evolving requirement. You’ll also work together to help you isolate operational issues, methodically analyze the gaps or inefficiencies, and help you lay out a plan to address them. You’ll also focus on and evaluate current and necessary future resources, your leadership and front line teams, and any part of your small business that needs bolstering. You’ll identify needed change initiatives and build plans to transform for growth.
These are the basics of running an effective, profitable, and sustainable business. If you’re a newly launched small business, the urgency is critical. It’s never too late to engage a K-coach to help you through the challenging, sometimes turbulent times of running a small business. If you have already made it over the tough new business hurdles, your K-coach will guide you forward.
We start with where you are today and march step-by-step forward. As a result, some sessions across the program will be shorter or longer than suggested below. We tailor it to meet your goals and achieve the outcomes you seek. No matter where you are today, start now to grow forward!
program Overview:
Establishing the Framework and Foundation
You and your coach will begin with a guided get-acquainted process that clearly sets the foundation for a lasting, solution-centered engagement. Then, we’ll review and assess your big picture mission, over-arching vision, and history with the goal to find out what’s most important to your business. Having this shared understanding in mind, it’s a natural progression to align our efforts accordingly.
Evaluating the Current Situation
Gain a clear idea of your business strengths and shortcoming from as many angles as possible, and in light of your big picture strategy. Together, we’ll use this insight and understanding to inform the goals and drive the focus and direction over the next months of engagement.
Identifying Opportunities for Growth
Set powerful business goals that align with the company’s mission, vision, and opportunities, mapping them onto day-to-day business activities. Focus on annual and quarterly goal-setting and monthly action planning, delegating, doing, tracking, and achieving.
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Identifying weaknesses and threats that require smart, immediate, and long-term solutions for change. Analyze the core problems, decide the forward action, set the goals and plan, delegate, do, track, and achieve.
Business Productivity and Effectiveness
Reduce stress through better time, action, and priority management, delegation, manage multiple competing issues and demands on your time. Consider the action priority approach to be more effective and preventing crises from arising, manage interruptions, get excited and inspired about delegating more effectively, and identify quick wins by completely high impact activities first.
Personal Productivity and Effectiveness and Wrap-Up
Take a hard look at personal strengths and weakness and identify where to use your strengths more effectively and where help or change is advised. Focus on become more personally effective, which makes the business more effective. Look at time wasters and what to let go of to keep your energy and work-life balance. We’ll wrap up by assessing your progress and establishing your next steps forward.
If you’re ready to maximize opportunities, tackle your issues, and grow forward – let’s talk!