Sell More with Sales IQ Insight
Most people know that the measure of a salesperson’s success is their ability to make sales. However, how can a sales manager or organization determine a sales professional’s current skill level and how can sales professionals effectively identify their own areas of improvement, while finding practical solutions for correcting them?
As with any profession, there are a multitude of skills, behaviors, knowledge and attitudes involved in successful selling. To improve sales performance requires periodically examining all of these areas.

The Sales IQ Plus assessment offers an objective analysis to answer the question, "What is keeping this person from selling more?"
This chart details the eight primary sales competencies assessed in Sales IQ Plus, the most highly regarded tool of its kind created in part by sales celebrity, guru, and entrepreneur Jeffrey Gitomer. The assessment relies on a rotating pool of questions so that you never take - or give -- the same assessment twice. This powerful function supports frequent skills and aptitude assessment that follows along as the sales professional grows.
The Sales IQ Plus assessment is an objective analysis designed as a starting point — a type of ‘personalized map’ for your sales knowledge. It tells you where you are, why you are there, and how to improve by offering specific insights and responses based on your assessment results. You will have specific data and guidance on each of the eight primary sales competencies: preparing, targeting, connecting, assessing, solving, confirming, assuring, and managing.
This assessment takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and consists of 48 questions that guide you in assessing each of the eight primary sales competencies. From this, you will be able to accurately and more easily:
- Develop a plan to overcome challenges
- Simplify sales training
- Focus on areas that produce results
- Build confidence
- Determine strategies that are needed to sell a specific product/service in a given market
Sales managers and HR professionals can:
- Identify every new sales applicant’s strengths and weaknesses
- Address specific training or management needs of a salesperson or sales team
Is there a team report for Sales IQ Plus?
Yes! Your online assessment account includes access to a “Team Report” function designed specifically for Sales IQ Plus. This tool is FREE and can be generated in unlimited numbers! Drag and drop any combination of names for those individuals who have taken the Sales IQ Plus assessment. At a glance, the team and their leaders will be able to draw new insights based on the comparison of the group results.
How often should the Sales IQ Plus assessment be taken?
We recommend administering the Sales IQ Plus assessment three times each year. As you master one area of selling, another area might need your attention. Nobody can attend to all areas all of the time, so occasional check-ups will make a big difference in maintaining a constant state of self and sales improvement.
How can an upper-level sales leader or executive use Sales IQ Plus? What about a new or veteran sales professional?
Determine your organization’s overall sales effectiveness and identify the most-needed training by having each of your sales people complete an assessment. As a Supervisor or Sales Manager, you can use Sales IQ Plus as a coaching tool, comparing your observations alongside a candidate’s Sales IQ Developmental Chart to determine exactly which aspects of sales effectiveness they need to improve that are most relevant right now.
Sales professionals can learn more about their current effectiveness in all aspects of selling to get a clear idea of which skills to refine first. Some skills may develop at different times and some skills may require additional modifications or attention for different circumstances. Whether new to sales or a seasoned salesperson, the Sales IQ Plus will provide you the objective means for honing your craft.