Big Rocks. Little Rocks
A Priority Management Exercise
A STORY: A professor is addressing a class in logic. He fills a jug with big rocks and asks the class if it’s full. The class agrees, “Yes, it is.” Next, he adds pebbles to the jug and they settle down into the crevices around the big rocks. He asks again if the jug is full, and again the class says, “Yes.” But, “No, it isn’t” he says “No” and proceeds to add sand to the jug.
The sand and the pebbles represent the small daily tasks we fill our lives with. If we don’t fit our big rocks in first, our lives will fill with only sand and pebbles. But, if we start with our big rocks, we create room for what’s important in life – and the sand and pebbles can only fill the spaces in between.
Part 1: Current Time and Priorities Review
Where or on what do you currently spend most of your time? (Make a list of whatever jumps into your mind) ?
What's the ONE biggest, unwanted thing that ZAPS your time at present?
———————————————————–(We’re looking for an unwelcome time-zapper here – not things that are a wanted or necessary part of your life)
What NEEDS to change?
Take a few moments to think about what's TRULY important to you in your life/business. What are your Top 3 Priorities? (Make a list of whatever pops into your mind)
What one thing is MOST IMPORTANT to you right now?
Part 2: Identify and Prioritize Your Rocks
- Using the story we started with as your guide, write your KEY priorities/activities on the biggest rocks below. NOTE: Think carefully. What are your real “Big Rocks" in your life or business right now? What's most important to you?
- Next, fill in the smaller rocks - your pebbles - with your next (lower) level priorities/activities.
- Finally, add a priority to your "Big Rocks" from 1 to 5.
Part 3: Review your Learnings and Take Action
How does where you currently spend your time compare to your "Big Rocks" - your REAL priorities?
What does this tell you?
What Needs to Change? What could you do differently?
4. What is the EASIEST change/s you could make to prioritize your time better?
5. What are you WILLING to change to prioritize your time better?
6. Smash those obstacles: What could get in the way? If you were going to sabotage yourself how would you do it?
7. What WILL you change or do differently? Look back at the entire exercise and identify 3 actions you will take to focus on your BIG ROCKS:
1st Action _______________________________________________ By when ______________ 2nd Action _______________________________________________ By when ______________ 3rd Action _______________________________________________ By when ______________
Now copy these out on post-it notes and stick them in your car, wallet, locker, fridge door, desk drawer or any place where you will see them often.
8. I am committed to achieving these 3 actions:
Signed _____________________________________________ Date _________________________
To wrap-up, what is the BIGGEST thing you learned about yourself from doing this exercise? :
"How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can be corrected, but time is gone forever."