Want to tap into your creative side?
Creativity, in a broad sense, is the process of generating ideas that help solve a problem or produce something new. We all have the ability to be creative. A person doesn’t have to be “artistic” to be creative. Creativity is not just about the ability to paint a masterpiece, write a novel, direct a movie, or play a symphony. What we often don’t see is how creative we are when we stretch a tight budget at work, solve a customer’s problem, or prepare a holiday feast. Whether we think of ourselves as creative people or not, all of us have the potential. Creativity relies on a mind open to exploring something different. Use these tips to increase your creative potential.

Practice. A key element to developing your creative rhythm is practice. High levels of creativity can come naturally to some people, but most of us have to work at it. Giving yourself plenty of time and opportunity to stretch your creative muscle will help you increase your potential.
Give yourself some distance. It’s helpful to recognize that your level of creativity is dependent upon the conditions or setting. Have you ever helped a friend generate ideas on how to solve their problems? Don’t you sometimes find it easier to offer solutions to their problems rather than figuring out solutions for your own? Sometimes when you are too close or emotionally involved in a situation, it is hard to see your options.
Put distance between yourself and the problem you want to solve by looking at the issue from someone else’s perspective. Creating this distance between yourself and the problem can give you the edge you need to gain insight.
Give yourself time. You can also increase your creativity by giving yourself enough time to be creative. Too often, you are working under tight deadlines. Without enough time to think and process ideas, you tend to panic. Panic makes you react instead of act with clarity, purpose, and direction.
To help take your focus off time, pretend you are on a desert island. You are going nowhere, and you have all the time in the world! Adopting this mindset can help you focus on the creative process rather than other distractions.
Organize your life. Another tip to increase your own creative potential is to organize your life so your energy is being spent in the right places. Here is an example to illustrate this point.
Every day, you come home from work and put your keys down in the first spot you see. You go about your routine and need to step out for a moment. You spend 10 to 15 minutes searching for your keys. You think “Where did I put them?” and, “Could they be under here?” You repeat this process hundreds, maybe even thousands of times throughout your life. By thinking about the same pointless issue, you are blocking your creative energy. Focus your thoughts on new, fresh, and useful topics rather than the routine.
Educate yourself. Increase your own creativity by educating yourself on the creative process of other people. Choose someone you find particularly creative and would like to imitate.
Investigate the creative process of that mentor. It can help you boost your own individual creativity.